Revolutionary Consumerism

Pratibha Parmar

                          A weekend away to Armagh
                          A package tour to war-torn territory
                          Ravages of a war witnessed
                          Through corrugated sheets and bleak landscapes, 
                          Barbed wirefencing, poverty amongst the people. 
                          Meet real live soldiers, rifles in their hands 
                          Creating confusion and panic.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          Snapping away at murals,
                          Symbols of cultural resistance.
                          To take home, show friends
                          Plastic bullets.
                          Grabbing at gruesome mementoes
                          Just souvenirs to embellish stories.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          Visiting prisoners
                          'I felt so overcome'
                          'Such an emotional experience' 
                          Marvel at the rizla paper letters 
                          Of resistance and struggle.
                          'How quaint' 'Aren't they sweet'
                          'What strong women'
                          Romanticizing the terror of the oppressor 
                          Sensationalizing the strength of the resisters.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          A voyeuristic adventure
                          Agonizing over Republican women's 
                          Stand on abortion
                          Question their feminism. 
                          Impose criteria born of 
                          Comfortable conditions. 
                          The Imperialist psyche runs deep.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          The silence of Black women ignored 
                          Pat them on their backs
                          'So good of you to come'
                          'So good of you to see the links'
                          Don't question or criticize 
                          Put your arms around your white sisters 
                          Feigning long lost affinities.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          Amongst their ranks
                          An 'exotic' mascot,
                          Justifying their racism
                          Easing their consciences
                          Singing songs of freedom
                          Which women, Whose freedom?
                          It's a familiar tale
                          So we leave.

                          A package tour to war-torn territory 
                          Hear what we say
                          We are not here
                          Because of you
                          We are here
                          For we share a struggle 
                          With Irish sisters
                          In spite of you.

                          *Revolutionary Consumerism was first published
in 1984 in Feminist Review.