Letter #3

Them, All supports derivations and deviations of 
  reproductive labour at the level of the word, sentence,
  string, command line, stanza, interface and page. 

  In this issue Rosa María García writes an essay on 
  trans non-monogamies, Nat Raha shares three poems 
  and Xeito Fole shares a work of Net Art. 

  Xeito's is the first Net Art work in the magazine -
  like many of the contributors to the magazine, Net Art
  grew up in the 90s, and so in 2023 it may sound retro.
  which is strange as the Internet interface has become 
  more not less fundamental today. It's not only that 
  the Internet interface has become transactional but the 
  transactions it facilitiates are geared towards profit,
  hoarding and exploitation. 

  I'm interested in the possible alternative, resistant
  poetic or queer transactions that are occurring through 
  the page and interface in these works. 
  The capitalist transactional reaches its networked 
  ways into our social relationships and sex lives. That 
  is what Rosamari noticies when she suggests that 
  monogamy is both a social structure and an ethical 
  code condensed as 'I give to you so that you give to 
  me.' She proposes trans non-monogamies as a practical, 
  theoretical immanent critique of state- and capital-
  sanctified family and coupledom. 

  Why do we read poetry? Surely not to become better 
  people. Surely not that moral transaction. 

  Nat Raha's 3 poems formally register the pressure of 
  colonial, historical, financial and toxic forces on the 
  surface of the page and the voice. Though there are no 
  confessions no mindless reproductions of the self 
  desire breaks through. These poems break the 
  interface-page breezing through as true. 
  This experimental approach to the page happens live with 
  you the reader because you're reading it and so living 
  it because the other text that opens or closes accross 
  the line is you - also breezing through and now I've 
  arrived at the connection between the works, Xeito Fole's 
  work of Net Art also traces this dynamic interaction 
  between language and subjectivity, it's all happening 
  at the screen. Their work combines a data visualisation 
  of the testosterone molecule with a poetic text that 
  considers sex-gender identity as a symbiotic relationship 
  with multiple technologies of representation and

  While putting the issue together Xeito and I talked about
  the general inaccessibility of many Net Art works and 
  so they made an audio descriptive version of this project 
  which is accessible through the project link. 

Rebecca Close,
Barcelona, 21st July, 2023.